Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Ever wonder who would win in an epic battle between: Calvin and Christopher Robin? What about between their respective awesome-r imaginary friends: Hobbes and Pooh? Finally, how about pair versus pair? 

Calvin seems to be the more nefarious fellow, but then again "still waters run deep." Hobbes may be A tiger, but he IS lazy.  Plus the hundred-acre wood taught us that some tigers are just...well, bouncy.  Pooh, on the other hand, shows us time and again that nobody can come between him and his honey.  That is until he gets stuck in a hole.  Both pairs exude undeniable chemistry but while Calvin and Hobbes are endlessly at odds with each other, Christopher Robin and Pooh are infinitely lovey-dovey. 

Who would you place your bets on?


images c/o http://www.geeksaresexy.net

awesomeness c/o http://thechedda.com

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